A multi-brand, multibillion-dollar corporation with more than a century in foodservice, ingredients and retail

DT&A has been working with this client for years when their remark — “We rely on our suppliers to bring us innovation.” — inspired us to launch a new internal process to ensure we always keep the pressure on to think outside the package.

The Process

Perform a company-wide deep dive into our client’s business and empower every DT&A employee to fully invest themselves into our clients’ success.

  • Break entire company into four teams for brainstorm sessions.
  • Keep teams focused on Three Pillars: Client’s Brand Portfolio, Client’s Package Types and Client’s Markets.
  • One month later, reconvene for four presentations; gather the best ideas into a single presentation to the client.


An astounding array of fresh thinking and insights came from ALL corners of the DT&A organization. The account team distilled all ideas into a presentation that was shared with the client to great reception. We discovered:

  • Compatible food products could be packaged together to save costs and increase sales.
  • Resealable packaging provides longer refrigeration shelf-life and eliminates waste of repackaging after opening.
  • Food packaging thickness could be changed to reduce weight without sacrificing protectiveness.
  • Placing healthier snack options, like individual cheese sticks, at the front of the store offers alternative to candy.

Why PSI @ DT&A?

  • Trust our DNA — decades of collective intelligence, nimble and creative industry experts with a wide network of influencers, suppliers and idea-shapers unique in the industry
  • Cross-pollinate within the company — accounts, sales, marketing, customer service, administration, executive … open our minds to new points of view and encourage the free exchange of ideas
  • Add value — relentlessly focus on our client relationship and, ultimately, win new business

What's Next

Every food organization could benefit from a no cost, no obligation review from DT&A to search out the innovative ideas that can take their product to the next level.

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